I'm Lan.

Lan Pham's profile pic
I am
  • a philosophos
  • a psychology nerd
  • a technology geek
  • a life-long learner

I translate psychology and technology into success.

User-centred design using psychology and technology
Waving gif


I'm a Melbourne-based psychology and market researcher with a focus on health issues. I have a burning passion for web and app design and development and believe that the future of health intervention is in the hand of technology.

My curiousity and life-long interest in learning have always been the driving forces in everything I do. Being a fast-learner and enjoying problem-solving, I'm lucky to have two of the most important skills to support my constant hunger for knowlege.

What I can do

Establised abilities

solving problem

Research Design

Develop qualitative and quantitative research methodology to help you identify your problem.

Investigating problems

Research Analysis

Translate research analysis results into the root causes of the problem.

Program Design

Design the model of the intervention to solve your problems using human-centric approach, and paired it with the appropriate evaluation and future outcomes for comparison.

Implementing interventions

Implementaion and Evaluation

I'll be with you every step of the way and ensure the success of the intervention through its implementation and evaluation.

Evaluating interventions

Recently developed skills

Tech skills

Web Design, Development & Audit

Design, develope and audit custmised website to meet your needs. This website, which will continued be refined, was personally built from scratch using only HTML and CSS with under 36 hours of experience.

Personalised app developement

App Design, Development & Audit

Design and ground-up develop personalised app to meet the user's needs. Provide feedback on layout, user functionaility, design, content and other key features.

See my projects

Blockchain Slide Deck

Coordinated a team of 5 people to complete a strategic slide deck report on the impact of blockchain on the Australian seafood processing industry. Entrusted to design the slide deck, while contributed significantly on problem analysis and advised on data-driven recommendations. The result was a visually pleasing report presentation, consists of specialised literature review, evidence-based insights, and insight-based recommendations.

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Behaviour change app

Founded and led a team of 5 exceptional Master of Applied Psychology and Social Work graduates dedicated to design and develop applications that help users to influence their behaviours and formulate new and healthy habit. The current project is a health application targeting individuals who want to adopt healthier habits while learning up to date medical information simultaneously.

Click here to discuss partnership

Maternal obesity and overweight interventions

Produced a concise, compelling and well-researched review on maternal obesity and overweight epidemic in Australia and advised Australian health authorities on optimising communication budget. Introduced 2 theory-based targeted interventions and 6 personalised advertisements addressing Australian expectant mothers.

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The new COVIDSafe app

Partnered with 4 other Master of Applied Psychology graduates to identify and elect appropriate psychology and behavioural economics theories to apply in the new COVIDSafe application. Personally designed the evidence-based and theory-driven application interface to improve the current COVIDSafe application and ensure social distancing among Australians.

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Health message

Created and edited a 1-minute video health message directing at COVID19 hoaders in early 2020 in Australia. The message was created using psychology theories and persuasive techniques, in partnership with 3 other Master of Applied Psychology graduates.

View here

2-Jazzy website

A customised Wordpress static HTML pages and blog. Other than the essential information provided by the client, the website also included a working contact form and comment section for a seamless interaction with users and visitors. All visual aspects of the website were chosen to create a warm, aesthetic, minimalism, and jazzy vibe.

View here

Let's work together

I'm currently available for freelance projects and open to employment opportunities

Still curious about me?

Let's learn about my name, shall we?

Meaning: Orchid

Origin: Vietnam

Pronunciation: /læn/

Green Orchids
Purple Orchids White Orchids
Hooded Pink Orchids

Beautiful, isn't it?